The Sculptors

Shri Biman Krishna Ghosh

shribimankrishnaghoshPandit Ghosh considers himself very fortunate to have both a mentor as well as a friend in his beloved Father, Shri Biman Krishna Ghosh Ji – a person of indomitable courage, rock-solid integrity and conviction, who has always seen nothing but light, even at the darkest moments of life. The Father’s all-round support towards his son’s decision to dedicate his life to music was unusual for a traditional Indian family and helped the son tide past innumerable challenges along the journey. Pt. Suman Ghosh’s Parents, both well-trained musicians themselves, played an exceptional role in creating the perfect ambiance in both their children’s life where shuffling between music and academics was never a challenge for them (Pt. Ghosh’s sister, Smt. Sarmistha Guha, is a Hindustani vocalist, settled in Bengaluru, India).

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